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Emergency Eyewash Station in the Workplace

When working on any type of job site where chemicals are present or in a laboratory, an eyewash station is necessary. In fact, OSHA’s standards state that any place where an employees eyes or body could be exposed to harmful chemicals, an eyewash or shower station is required. It’s critical to flush out the eyes within 10-15 seconds after exposure to the corrosive substance, to best avoid serious and permanent injury. Here’s what you need to know about eyewash stations:

Where to Install

Eyewash station should be installed in a place that can be reached within 10 seconds of where chemicals are being used, and an accident could occur. Stations can be installed into the wall with full plumbing available, or as stand-alone stations with solution tanks/bottles, which may be a more viable option on large job sites. They should be easily accessible, with no barriers such as a locked door, or gate is blocking it. Pathways to the station should also remain clear, to avoid tripping hazards on the way to the station.

How to Use

In the case that an accident should occur, using these emergency eyewash stations can protect you from eye damage or even loss of sight. Use the station immediately after the accident, and flush them out with the solution for a minimum of minutes. Make sure your eyelids are held open, and you are able to roll your eyes around in order to get the fluid on all surfaces of your eye. After the initial flush, you should see a medical professional as soon as possible.


Eyewash stations should have annual inspections to ensure that they are working effectively. It’s crucial to check that your station has good water pressure and clean bowls. Nozzles should also be protected with dust covers for sanitation. Check to make sure fluids haven’t expired, and if so, replace with new solution immediately.

Contact NSMC for Eyewash Stations

If your job site, school or laboratory is in need of an emergency eyewash station, contact NSMC for installation. We have worked with many life science buildings, schools, hospitals, and more in the Boston area.


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