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North Shore Mechanical Contractors works throughout northern Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire, to provide plumbing services to our clients. We serve a variety of clients in different industries, and as a specialty commercial plumbing service, we often provide specific design and installation services based on the specific needs of our clients. This includes working on gas distribution systems for clinical laboratories, and other commercial/industrial locations throughout our service area.


We have completed hundreds of projects between working with life science facilities and advanced technology locations. Throughout those projects, we have installed many systems, including but not limited to:

  • Compressed air / VAC / RODI / N2 piping systems

  • Nitrogen specialty gas distribution

  • Carbon dioxide specialty gas distribution systems

  • Natural gas systems

  • Helium piping distribution systems


We install a variety of specialty gas distribution systems as needed by our clients. Whether our clients need new designs for their laboratories, or they have updates that they need for a current location, our team has the experience and the tools to improve these spaces by providing our design and installation services. When we design plumbing systems and installations, we aim to create the most efficient system for the property. So whether we are working on a new or existing lab, we will always approach the project through the lenses of efficiency and safety.


It is not uncommon for an existing lab to have evolving needs. As the services provided change, a new technology comes into play, or ownership changes hands, it is often necessary to remodel and redesign a lab space. North Shore Mechanical Contractors specializes in the design and installation services required when retrofitting a lab space. Our team can effectively work with your existing layout to install new systems, replace old systems, or perform necessary upgrades throughout your facility. We work hand in hand with our clients to optimize for operational performance, overall safety, and code compliance. And utilizing digital technology, we can create digital blueprints for your facility as we design.

Process Piping

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