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A Guide To Life Science Plumbing

North Shore Mechanical Contractors works with many life science buildings throughout Massachusetts and the New England Area to design and build high-tech plumbing systems. In recent years we have completed dozens of complex life sciences projects that have involved demolition and replacement of old systems, installing complex equipment and distribution systems, and equipment hookups. Whatever our clients need their plumbing system to do, our team of pipe fitters and master plumbers not only will design and build it but help maintain it over the years to come.

Demolition & Replacement for Old Plumbing Systems

There are many reasons that a life science building might need demolition services for their plumbing system. Mainly, new businesses that take over old buildings, will often need systems completely reworked. Where it is possible at some points to retrofit new plumbing equipment to existing piping, for life science buildings it may be necessary to start over. The NSMC team is determined to create an injury-free job site where we can handle demolition and building safely. Even with tight construction schedules, it is always our goal at NSMC to ensure that we uphold our safety standards for our team so that our team can do their jobs efficiently.

Installing Complex Life Science Plumbing Equipment

The life science industry presents its own challenges. Every lab has different needs and requirements for functionality. This means, that NSMC has to install and maintain complex systems for our life science clients. Some of these systems include waste and emergency water distribution systems. In order for a life science lab to be safe for its workers, it is absolutely vital that emergency water distribution and waste distribution systems are properly installed and maintained. Emergency water distribution is standard throughout life science buildings, but different life science clients have different needs. These needs can include gas distribution systems like Carbon Dioxide or nitrogen, vacuum systems, pH neutralization systems, air compressors, specialized pumps, and pure water systems.

Equipment Hookups for Life Science Buildings

Another element with working with life science buildings is hooking up special equipment provided by the life science facility. Our team is happy to install and hookup other equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Our team will ensure that your building is ready to go with a well-designed plumbing system that is built to meet your facility’s needs and with any other equipment hooked up and ready to go. For all of our clients, we offer maintenance and 24-7 emergency services to ensure that your building is taken care of in the event of a plumbing emergency.

Get New Plumbing Systems Designed by NSMC

NSMC is happy to provide all of our clients with design-build services and maintenance. If you have a life science project, give us a call at 978 774-9800 or email us at


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